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Weichai Power Brand Value Reaches CNY 70.624 Billion


On May 11, 2023, China Brand Value Evaluation Information Conference 2023 held in Zhejiang, Weichai Power brand value reached CNY 70.624 billion, with an increase of 11.48% year-on-year from CNY 63.351 billion last year; Brand strength 958, ranking first in the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector.

China Brand Value Evaluation Information Release Event is one of the theme activities of China Brand Day, organized by the China Council for Brand Development in conjunction with Xinhua News Agency and the China Appraisal Society, which has been running for ten years, following international and national standards and the principles of "science, fairness, openness, recognition", and has gained more attention and recognition.

In recent years, Weichai has adhered to technology-led, innovation-driven, traditional power and new energy power "dual-engine" power, with high-quality development acceleration, to create a "Made in China" gold brand, with significant brand cluster effect and brand influence.


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