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C&C Trucks Ascends The First Echelon of Gas Heavy-duty Truck

Date:2015-11-26 Source:www.chinatrucks.com

www.chinatrucks.com: The output of natural gas heavy-duty truck was only 899 in China in October, 2015. It decreased by 85% compared with the same period in last year. And the domestic output of gas heavy-duty truck descended by 65% during the first ten months this year. The gas heavy-duty truck which had developed rapidly since 2012 experienced “ Waterloo fiasco ”. The first batch of 100 gas heavy-duty trucks were delivered when C&C Trucks and Handan Iron and Steel Group held the truck delivery ceremony in October, 2015. St. C&C Trucks, the only invited Chinese heavy-duty truck manufacturer, attended the Petersburg International Gas Forum in Russia in October and 30 CNG heavy-duty trucks were delivered to international truck users. The first 5S store of C&C Trucks New Guoji in Shenzhen was opened in November. 480 trucks were ordered on the spot and most of them were gas heavy-duty trucks.


C&C Trucks Ascends The First Echelon of Gas Heavy-duty Truck

“Only when the high potential walk to the spotlight can it attracts great attention.” Regarding the sluggish market of gas heavy-duty truck, the market share of gas heavy-duty truck of young C&C Trucks quietly ranked the first five in the industry, which attracted the attention of the whole industry.How C&C Trucks can make outstanding achievements in the overall stagnant industry?


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